Church Leadership

Pastor Mark Jones

Pastor Lloyd Williams

Tom Sartor
I grew up in a works based religion. At nineteen life was very empty for me. I thought there must be more to life than just going to work each day. From my childhood I knew about sin and that Christ died and rose again. My friend Dave explained the need for me to make a decision to trust Christ totally for the forgiveness of my sin. In the fall of 1972 I made that decision of faith to believe on Him. Later I read the verses that explained by grace you are saved through faith it is not of yourself but the gift of God so that no man can boast before God.
I attended Central Michigan University and a country Baptist church. I grew in my understanding of the Bible and walking in faith. I taught in a trade school in Detroit for seven years. God led me to get a one year Christian worker certificate from Bible school. I joined a mission agency and went overseas. I met my wife Edie. We served together overseas for twenty years. We have retired from overseas work and are now serving in First Baptist Church here in Fowlerville. I also work part time at an auto parts store.
Deacon of Buildings and Grounds

Deacons of Member Care

Deacon of Finance

Deacons of Hospitality