Foundations Chronological Bible Course for Women
A detailed overview of God’s Word

Join Us!
Starting Sept. 10th, 2024
Tuesdays 6:30-8:30 p.m.                                       
Whether you are new to the Bible or well-versed in its contents, the Foundations Chronological Bible Course for Women is designed for you.  This course covers the events of God’s Word in the order in which they happened in history. Studying in this way helps to better understand the context and see what God reveals to us about Himself through the pages of His Word.  This course is open to all women (high school through senior citizens) who desire to grow in their understanding of God’s Word.  Here are some comments from previous students:
“Prior to class, the Bible was a foreign language. Now it is an adventure!”
“This class has helped me know God more – It has given me a purpose for living.  The Bible has come alive before my eyes!  The pieces of the puzzle have come together!”
“I like the no-frills teaching – we use the class for that and not a lot of extra stuff…I like the helpful handouts and the integration {of the Old Testament into the New Testament.}”
“God has really blessed me through this class.  I feel thirsty for His Word and learn so much.  I have learned to love the Old Testament because of the foundation it reveals for all of God’s Word.”
“God’s Word is taught from…God’s Word! Correctly and with passion. Fact not feeling.”
“I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly the class moved without leaving anyone behind.”
“Questions about the Bible that had bothered me in the past are now being answered.”
“I feel like an empty vessel that is finally being filled.”
This last year’s Level 1 class covered Genesis through Joshua. All 30 lessons can be found below.
This fall’s Level 2 class will start September 10th and will cover Judges-Matthew.
Questions? Contact Brenda Popovich
Class to be held at:
Family Impact Wellness Center
9430 W. Grand River Ave.
Fowlerville, MI  48836


Level 2

Judges through Matthew 





Level 1

Genesis through Joshua 



Click for video