Our Governing Documents
As children saved by God’s grace, we have been brought into a relationship in which God leads us and guides us. We are now under His rule and authority. This applies to not only our individual lives but also our corporate lives. God has brought us together as a family here at FBC and we understand that our lives together are governed by His Word.
Because of this, the church family of FBC has put together three biblically-based documents that outline what we understand God, through His Word, is telling us to do in order to serve Him. These documents are all downloadable on the following pages. The FBC Statement of Faith expresses a summary of what we understand the Bible to teach about what we are to believe. The FBC Covenant expresses what we understand the Bible to teach about how we are to live. The FBC Constitution expresses how we are to order and govern ourselves as a body, and also how we are to serve each other and the world.