Sunday Live Stream (You Tube)

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Sunday 6-23-2024 Guest Speaker Niel Vilches has the following two videos.





(Facebook Live Streams)

1-24-2021 Psalm 23 Well Cared For

1-17-2021 Romans 6:20-23 Be What You Are

1-10-2021 Romans 6:18-19 A Most Reasonable Command

1-3-2021 Romans 6:17 This is a Christian 

12-27-2020 Romans 6:15-16 Who Do You Obey?

12-24-2020 Angel on Assignment 

12-20-2020 Promise Fulfilled 

12-13-2020 Romans 6:12-14 (Pt. 2) You’re in the Army Now!

12-6-2020 Romans 6:12-14 Put Your Foot Down