Living For Jesus

Loving Others

  2nd & 4th Sundays @ 6:00 p.m.
Church Basement/214 S. Grand Ave.
Youth group is for 12 years and up.
Join us for Worship, God’s Word,
games, snacks, and fun!
Camp Barakel Winter Retreat
Feb. 7th-9th
FEES – The fee is $125 per person. A $30 deposit was due at registration. The deposit is non-refundable.
Outstanding balance of $95 is due by Feb. 1stYou can pay on Sunday with the drop box or online in the next box.
There will also be Permission Forms and Waivers in the church foyer. If you have any questions, call Sue Bradley in the office at 517-223-9084.
The Waivers will require you to print, sign and return to the church.
(Local Activities)